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Calendar of Events - see the newsletter in the Members Only area for more details on events.
We have guild meetings September through May.

To both promote the fiber arts in our csommunity and to encourage participation in a wide variety of events, the Guild welcomes individuals and businesses to advertise events & classes in our online Guild calendar.  For full details and rates (if applicable) please review our Advertising Policy.

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88039851546? pwd=ZU53bFdPNnZ5a1BweFVtK29CMVNJZz09
Meeting ID: 880 3985 1546. Passcode: 032709

Make-It Gathering at Mt. Vernon Commons Monthly 3rd Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
Please join us for the Make it Gathering this Saturda, January 18th! Bring a project you are working on and visit with your fellow guild members and creative friends!
This will be located at the Mt. Vernon Commons House, 3322 Commons Circle, Anchorage, AK. 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

This is on the north side of West 34th, between C Street and Arctic. This address will bring you to the parking lot. To arrive at the Common House, you will walk through the open gate and follow the tree lined path towards the complex. If you have heavy things to bring, you can drive to the Commons House, unload, then return to the parking lot.

This month there are a few additional activities:
1. Marjorie McLaren will be leading a Sprang interest group in one of the rooms.
2. There will be some SAORI looms that need the last of the warp woven off. They are committed to those who volunteered at the guild meeting. If you are interested, there will be other opportunities in future months.

Study Groups

Band Weaving - Led by Joanne Teague, third Thursday of the month, 6pm
inkle loom weavingThe AWSG Bandweaving Study Group started up on Aug 17th, after a summer break. We meet the 3rd Thurs of each month @ 6pm (virtually, at this time).

We support each other in all types of Bandweaving: inkle, card/tablet weaving, band weaving. We often have (optional) group projects, where we all do a similar band, to learn, support each other and compare notes. Ours goals are learning and sharing. We are open to non-AWSG members, and via Joanne, encourage textile re-enactor participation. Please contact Karen Williams if you have any questions: email Karen Williams

Topic: AWSG Bandweaving Study Group

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84156633985?pwd=eVRDcGNYRzBVMzVGU0F4UzBMZHJJdz09
Meeting ID:
841 5663 3985
Passcode: weaving

Churanunu - Led by Scharine Kirchoff, Meets 4th Sunday from 11:00-2:00 p.m.
See 2023 projects

Please email Scharine Kirchoff for additional information.

Churanunu Meeting pouches

Local Opportunities by Sherry Rogers, usually the 3rd Saturday of the month, 10am - 12pm
We spin at the Eagle River library as a community outreach, to introduce our community to spinning with both spinning wheels and drop spindles. The Eagle River library advertises this event for us, and consequently, it is important that someone show up each time. Additionally, the library, as part of their publicity, will advertise that if someone is interested in trying to spin on a wheel, they may contact the library in advance. The librarian then reaches out to us so that we can have someone bring an extra wheel and fiber. If you have an extra wheel and fiber that you would bring, or are willing to let someone try spinning on your wheel, please let me know.

While it is a library, the old rule of complete silence is no more, however, they would like us to keep it to a conversational level of speaking, as there are those who are studying. Sorry, no whooping it up... Generally speaking, we will spin on the 3rd Saturday of the month, with the exception of Jan and Feb, when it will depend on the library’s holiday closure schedule. (Often they are closed on the 3rd Saturday because of MLK Day and President’s Day. This Feb, we will spin on the 4th Saturday.) Also, sheepwe will NOT spin during the summer (June-Aug), nor will we spin in Dec.

We will be advertised as spinning from 10 AM to 12 noon, HOWEVER, if you can’t come until 11 AM, that’s just fine. Everyone is welcome to stay longer than 12 noon, if they would like.

Online and at your own pace by Karen Williams

  • https://classes.warpandweave.com/ Tien Chui is a weaver who specializes in color theory. She offers several classes, both pre-recorded and live.
  • https://www.schoolofsweetgeorgia.com/ This is a monthly/yearly subscription. For one price you get access to their whole catalog that has many spinning and weaving classes in addition: knitting, crochet, dyeing, felting
    and color theory
  • https://janestaffordtextiles.com/school-of-weaving/ This is a yearly subscription course. There is an amazing amount of weaving content. AWSG members have taken these courses and given them high reviews
  • https://heddlecraft.com/on-line-weaving-education.html Heddlecraft has a listing of other weaving online courses.
  • https://rebeccamezoff.com/online-learning Rebecca has a great online course for tapestry weavin
  • https://www.alannawilcox.com/online-workshops Alanna has a broad choice of spinning and dyeing classes.

    The guild has a scholarship program that can be used for virtual classes. There is no financial need requirement. We only ask that you give back to the guild in some way, like leading a study group, writing an article or teaching a class. The scholarship committee will work with you to find a perfect match between your skill/time and the guild’s needs.

Live and interactive by Karen Williams
https://lunaticfringeyarns.com/product-category/instructions/workshops-seminars/ Offers a variety of classes, from single project “weave a-longs” to special guest instructors.
https://store.vesterheim.org/collections/fiber-arts-folk-art-courses An intriguing variety, ever changing of Nordic traditional textile crafts, including a free class “Viking Era Clothing    And Jewelry” on Nov 19th and a recording of their most recent class “Symbols In Bandweaving: The Emojis Of Traditional Handcraft”.
https://kakawdesigns.com/collections/online-classes Guatemalan weaving, dyeing and embroidery classes

Eagle River Library Spinning
Spinning at the library as a community outreach, to introduce our community to spinning with both spinning wheels and drop spindles. The library advertises this event for us, and consequently, it is important that someone show up each time. Additionally, the library, as part of their publicity, will advertise that if someone is interested in trying to spin on a wheel, they may contact the library in advance. The librarian then reaches out to us so that we can have someone bring an extra wheel and fiber. If you have an extra wheel and fiber that you would bring, or are willing to let someone try spinning on your wheel, please let me know. Contact Sherry Rogers at (907) 694-3319 for more info.

While it is a library, the old rule of complete silence is no more, however, they would like us to keep it to a conversational level of speaking, as there are those who are studying. Sorry, no whooping it up...

Generally speaking, we will spin on the 3rd Saturday of the month, with the exception of Jan and Feb, when it will depend on the library's holiday closure schedule. (Often they are closed on the 3rd Saturday because of MLK Day and President's Day. This Feb, we will spin on the 4th Saturday.) Also, we will NOT spin during the summer (June-Aug), nor will we spin in Dec.

Library Spinning will be advertised as spinning from 10 AM to 12 noon, HOWEVER, if you can't come until 11 AM, that's just fine. Everyone is welcome to stay longer than 12 noon, if they would like.

Interesting Fiber Classes
This is not ANWG or HGA, but it is interesting. Each of these classes is one hour long and available for $20.00 over Zoom

Ukrainian Folk Art Project
The AWSG band weaving study group’s next project is in support of Ukraine. We will each pick a project either inspired by Ukrainian folk art, in Ukrainian flag colors or from a Ukrainian source. We are looking at various Ukrainian textile sellers on Etsy who sell PDFs, since this is a way to financially support textile artist in Ukraine. Ukraine folk costuming contains a lot of embroidery. In addition, there is some overlap in band weaving with fellow Baltic countries. A lot of patterns while not intended for weaving, would be very easy to use in weaving. Or this may be the perfect time to use your handspun in embroidery.

Below is a list of Ukrainian Etsy sellers of PDF patterns. I searched Etsy for “Ukraine PDF”. This list is in no way complete. I did verify that each of the sellers below is from Ukraine. This idea came from this article: https://www.kvoa.com/townnews/commerce/before-the-ukraine-invasion-she-made-belts-now-she-makes-camouflage-nets-for-troops/article_71501489-6ed2-53a0-8be6-b7b0b49cbe51.html The lady profiled in the article is the first shop listed below. The article may inspire you to join us in this project.

Some examples are:

Needle Felting by Pam Clifton

Pam Clifton's pumpkins     Pam Cllifton's felted      Pam Clifton's felted apples





© copyright AWSG | PO Box 244055, Anchorage, AK 99524 | email