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The Anchorage Weavers and Spinners Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the encouragement of the fiber arts in Alaska. The guild seeks to promote the exhibition of fiber arts and to inform its members and the public through lectures, workshops and craft demonstrations.

Membership reminder
Don't forget to renew your membership! Pay thru PayPal at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2LcJMs_YMSY73ofPpnUiDNSR6Aq1oK522J2Mpfr7WatvAwA/viewform
Mail your payment to the address below.
PO Box 244055
Anchorage, AK 99524-4055

Please click HERE to enroll or renew.

AWSG Monthly Meetings - Second Saturday of the month
Zoom Member Meeting: Monthly 2nd Saturday from 10:00 - noon
Meeting ID: 875 5218 1447 Passcode: 920816

Make-It Gathering at Mt. Vernon Commons Monthly 3rd Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
Please join us for the Make it Gathering this Saturda, January 18th! Bring a project you are working on and visit with your fellow guild members and creative friends!
This will be located at the Mt. Vernon Commons House, 3322 Commons Circle, Anchorage, AK. 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

This is on the north side of West 34th, between C Street and Arctic. This address will bring you to the parking lot. To arrive at the Common House, you will walk through the open gate and follow the tree lined path towards the complex. If you have heavy things to bring, you can drive to the Commons House, unload, then return to the parking lot.

This month there are a few additional activities:
1. Marjorie McLaren will be leading a Sprang interest group in one of the rooms.
2. There will be some SAORI looms that need the last of the warp woven off. They are committed to those who volunteered at the guild meeting. If you are interested, there will be other opportunities in future months.


Guild Challenge - Creative Reuse
Our Guild Challenge this year is Creative Reuse! We're leaving the definition of "reuse" pretty broad. I announced this challenge at our in-person meeting in December, and already there were examples of such reuse during our informal fashion show. Anne Brooks had made a splendid bag from I think it was a bird seed bag, while Sara Pate made use of extra fabric she had woven into a bag.

Other examples I've seen came from my own sister, who made me a couple of hats from some old fleece shirts.

What ideas can you come up with for worn out garments? From thrums or end pieces of projects? What can you do with items to prevent them from going into the landfill? I can't wait to see what people come up with during our May meeting.

Eye Candy

;Boisali Biswas

Fiber Art by Boisali Biswas

Boisali Biswas

Cheryl Kabala's Handwoven Wearable Art - 2 Tabby Weave - Presentation
Cheryl Kabala graciously shared the presentation she conducted at our October membership meeting. Presentation can be found here. Cheryl said, "Also, if anyone wants to know how I lay out the colors for my warps, I'm happy to share those.  I just need to know which shawls,  ponchos, or scarves they are interested in. They can contact me individually -it's that's easy." Contact Cheryl Kabala

OCheryl Kabala - shawl

Cheryl Kabala Shawl

Cheryl Kabala - shawl

Cheryl Kabala Shawl

Cheryl Kabala Scarf
Guild Bags!!

The Guild has a new logo, designed by our own Pam Clifton. The logo has been embroidered onto beautiful new bags, which are for sale. Get your new bag at the May meeting for $25.00. After the meeting they will be $30.00. Payment is by check only at the meeting or by Paypal, no later than May 6th. Here’s what the bags look like:

Looking good!! Big thanks to Gwen Mathew for making the bags happen!!!

Here are the PayPal Instructions:
Paying for AWSG workshops or merchandise thru your personal PayPal account.

  1. Sign into your PayPal account; this should bring you to the Dashboard view
    (check upper right of screen).
  2. Click the gold "Send" button
  3. Type in the AWSG email: awsgworkshop@gmail.com, then press enter
  4. Click on the “$0.00” and enter in the amount to send.
  5. Click on the “+ What is this payment for?” and enter in the workshop or merchandise you are paying for.
  6. Click the "Continue" button near the bottom of the page.
  7. Confirm the information and click "Send Payment Now" button


Make-It Gathering at Mt. Vernon Commons Monthly 3rd Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
Mark your calendar and join us for the Monthly Make-it Gatherings on the third Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The gathering is held at Mt. Vernon Commons. The Commons House has 3 separate rooms for gathering. We will dedicate some of the rooms to different study groups. Please join us for either a study group or to simply work on your project with others. 3322 Commons Circle Anchorage, AK 99503

Check out the Study Groups offered by the guild! Study Groups Information

Newsletter Submissions
As always, we love photos and articles from our members. Did you learn something new that you want to share? Was there a textile book or a new tool you want to review? Share your progress or lessons learned on your newest project.